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  1. Oh, how we loved this one this morning…yep…both of us again…he’s sharing it with a friend.

    1. Aw thank you so much Leslie. I love that you share this routine with your husband and thank you to him for passing this post along to a friend. Love that. XO, Heather

  2. Hi, Heather

    Thanks for this. Just when I needed it. Very right that no matter how far we step away from God, it only take a one-minute cry out to draw near to Him. And the result of however short that conversation may be, produces immense rewards.

    My life is so hectic now, I just don’t know how to make it without those little tête-a-têtes with Him

    Hope you are well. Miss you!

  3. Hi Heather
    It’s funny how we go about our lives day after day, not wondering about God at all, until we need Him.
    I do talk with God in the early morning. I ask him to give me patients just for that day and then the same for the next.
    I don’t go to church anymore, but I do think I have become more spiritual.
    Thank you for this post. I really needed it.
    Have a peaceful day.
    Much love,

    1. Heather,

      Loved this! You hit right on target. When I feel distant from God ( my doing nothing His) my life feels more out of control. When I draw nearer to Him I feel more at peace even with all the crazy going on. Thank you for this and suggested Bible verses, always a help! ❤️

    2. Hi Rose, So glad to hear that this post resonated with you. I appreciate you reading and commenting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, sp glad you are here! XO, Heather

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