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  1. What an amazing 🤩 way for me to start my day by reading this! This is beautifully written, thank you for sharing your talent and for reminding all of us to BREATHE and TRUST in HIM!
    Have a SUPER SUNDAY!💕

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post Jen! Thank you for this kind comment and for being part of my NFMD community! I so appreciate your readership and heartfelt comments! Happy day friend! XO

  2. So beautiful, Heather. I shared about my need to “pause” recently on my blog. I think we all need that. The stress from the past year is real and resting in Him is so vital for us all. Thank you for pouring your heart onto the pages and into our hearts today.

    1. Hi Leslie! Thank you so much for reading! I am so thankful for your readership and mostly your friendship! I love reading your kind comments and following along with you!! Happy Monday! XO, Heather

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