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  1. I am a true believer in fate and that mostly everything happens for a reason. Your post, “Five Ways to Add Peace to Your Life”, came along at just the right time. Your words really hit home for me tonight. Thank you!
    So great to meet you again!

    1. Monica, I am so glad!! Thanks for checking out my new blog and for reading! I am happy to hear you found some helpful words in this post. So nice meeting you again last night. God is Good!!! XO, Heather

  2. numbers have always been challenging.I use my fresh eyes and brain daily to prioritize and thank the great father who enables it all to continue..never could nap but I flush frequently and love your weekly mental checkups.

    1. Oh Michelle! I am so glad to know that these words landed and helped you today! YOU have had the same effect on me over the years. Hope to see you soon friend!! XO

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