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  1. Just signed up to receive your emails. Love your blog and sweet messages. You have a beautiful home and spirit. I look forward to following your journey.

    1. Welcome Jan!! I am SO glad you are here!! Thank you for signing up to receive my weekly blog posts and from joining us here from Thistlewood!! I just love KariAnne!! Merry Christmas!! XO, Heather

  2. Heather,
    Every word and photo shared makes me so thankful that I am following along your journey of celebrating your roots and growth in the process. You always touch my heart. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Aw thank you so much Leslie. I appreciate your words and your thoughtful presence and connection in my life! So grateful that we have connected over this last year. Thank you for reading! Merry Christmas to you and yours! XO, Heather

  3. This blog made me cry too, it is beautiful just beautiful. The pictures of you and Eve really made me smile. How great to share that event with your daughter.
    Your prayer is perfect. Thank you Heather for you wonderful words every week.

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