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  1. Finally got around to reading your most recent blog entry and loved it! Couldn’t stop laughing inside when comparing your topnotch kitchen interior with ours. It’s strange that I cling to the distorted linoleum in our kitchen. I will have to make it into an upcycled outdoor sculpture if we ever take it up. Your blog brings back fond memories of hanging out with you, your mom, and dad in your parents’ kitchen. I was always the one to eat too many of those chewy chocolate chip cookies, and pizza, and other delicious goodies your mom always so generously offered me. Best times were our outdoors adventures. Looking for arrowheads with you and your dad. Goofing off to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack in your driveway. Cleaning up the second floor of the barn for a clubhouse. Playing cool apartment building in the attic (not outside, but pretty much open to the heat of Summer and chill of Winter). And fishing for blue gills in your pond. I know I left out a lot. My only regret is I wish I hadn’t been such a mean spirited neighbor to Christie Brown. She was younger and smaller than I was, and I was a complete overfed bully to her. Hope she’s doing well because the Browns were always good neighbors to us.

    1. wow…your words took me right back to such old memories we made together growing up on our farms in Darlington. We certainly did have a lot of really fun times and used our creativity to get into all kinds of projects. Christine is doing really well – she has an AMAZING floral business. We all can look back and wish we acted or chose differently…thankfully, God knows our hearts and welcomes our transparent and honest regrets…thanks so much for showing up in my blog space and sharing your thoughts…I really enjoy reading your comments.

  2. Love your project picks and love your word choice that expresses your beautiful heart, surrendered before a big God! Well done, friend!

    1. Wow thanks Katie – your comment touched my heart… I am so thankful you appreciate my blog and efforts – it means a lot to me. Thanks for being here and sharing your kind words!! XO

    1. You are the best – thanks for reading. I still want to help you with your projects! Somehow I missed your text…but we will connect about your plans and ideas!! XO

  3. Love the home project and before/after shots! It all looks great! It truly is therapeutic to get things done around the house. 💕

    1. Thanks Carolyn! I know you understand home decor therapy!! Always love everything you are sharing! Keep the garden picks coming – you are inspiring me! Thanks for being here and reading! xo

  4. Thank you Heather – for this – for your willingness to share your struggles.
    I find my self wearing my “I’m fine” mask a bit too often these days.
    Time to “lay it down” Love you

    1. Aw me too Lynn…that “I’m fine” mask is a hard one to not pick up again…because we WANT to be fine…but sometimes we just are not and that is ok. Thankful we serve a good good God who understands all of our emotions and accepts us just the way we are. XO

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